A Complete Guide for Tautog Fishing

Tautog Fishing

Meta Description: Tautog is the best bottom-dwelling saltwater fish and the most preferred by anglers. But with its aggressive nature, Tautog fishing requires good fishing techniques. Learn everything about Tautog fishing here!


Tautog fishing is about catching the fish and understanding the time, place, and bait to use. Tautog fishing has become very favored in recent years, with many anglers targeting the fish for its outstanding filet.

The Tautog, also known as Blackfish, is a multi-colored stout fish with solid teeth and thick tails. The Tautog is famous for its mottled skin, thick squared fins, and unique dorsal fin with 16 spines. The Tautog prefers structured spots in saltwater areas like rock piles, jetties, boulders, wrecks, and reefs.

What Is the Best Bait for Tautog?

When catching a Tautog, please choose the best bait to lure the fish from its hiding place. Since Tautog is a visual predator during the daylight hours, it usually feeds on mollusks and hard-shell fish. While at night, it goes back to take shelter at the rock-bottom structures. The scent of crab shells attracts Tautog in a significant way. Other good lures include clams, mussels, shrimp, sandworms, and lobsters.

Here are some of the best baits for Tautog;

Green Crabs

Green crabs are aggressive predators most anglers use as bait, especially in recreational Tautog fishing. They are invasive and feed on soft-shell clams, Scallops, and mussels.


You can harvest them on the marshes and estuaries of Cape cod. However, they are also available at local baits & tackle shops. Green crabs are best for trolling along rock bottom.

Hermit Crab

There are two species of hermit crabs the flat-clawed hermit crab and the long-clawed one; flat-clawed hermit crabs are the most used for Tautog bait. Hermit crabs have very soft and exposed bodies. Hermit crabs use snail shells to protect themselves.


Most fishermen prefer hermit crabs when catching Tautog on deeper rock clusters. Hermit crab is the best bait to use if you want to catch big Blackfish and lobster. They are available in tackle shops. They are fished by putting your hook on the hard part of the crab body.

The Fiddler Crabs

When fishing from shore, the best bait to use is fiddler crabs. Fiddlers are tiny in size and have one large claw. You can also use them for fishing at bays and jetty fishing for Tautog. You can catch fiddlers at marshy backwaters.

The “White Legger” Crabs

They include the Jonah and rock crabs, and you can find them offshore around deeper wrecks and rock piles. They are best for catching deepwater Tautog.

Image source: https://images.app.goo.gl/soVQ5BQwK8awconX6

The Asian Crab

Asian crabs are similar to green crabs; the only difference is their striped legs. They are best-used whole as bait for Tautog. However, Asian crabs are unavailable at bait shops and can only be harvested by flipping over rocks in the intertidal zones.

Asian crabs are ineffectual when fishing in deep water and offshore. However, they are more beneficial when fishing for Tautog along jetties and rocky shorelines.

What Are the Best Places to Fish For Tautog in RI?

Tautog is commonly found in areas between cape cod and the Chesapeake Bay. During spring, Tautog migrates near the shoreline to spawn. Tautog moves to the south of cape cod when the temperatures cool down. Tautog lives around structures and shallow estuaries where you can find eelgrass. You can find other places on jetties, boulders, and rocky outcrops at Nantucket Shoal, buzzards bay, Vineyard Sound, and along the Massachusetts coast.

In Rhode Island, some of the places you are likely to find Tautog from shore include:

  • Fort Getty
  • Ocean drive at Brenton Reef
  • India point park at the providence
  • Fort Wetherill
  • Beavertail point in Jamestown
  • Black Point in Narragansett Bay

If you are fishing inshore from a boat, you will find good places in structures such as:

  • Beavertail rocky point
  • Plum lighthouse near Jamestown bridge
  • Rocky areas of Narragansett along the Narrow river mouth
  • Whale Rock

You can also spot Tautog in areas with rock clusters, debris, wrecks, and structures like Hope Island, Coddington Cove jetty in Portsmouth, west walls at the Point Judith Harbor, Seal Ledge area off Newport, Brenton Reef, bolder field off Scarborough, and the block island sound.

Best Fishing Techniques for Tautog

Tautog is one of the toughest, most sneaky, and most aggressive bottom-dwelling fish. They are easily caught at the rocky bottoms, where they usually take shelter. The best method used by anglers is spinning and conventional rods.

The best line is a braided line with a hook rig and a sinker tied at the bottom. When fishing in deep water, lift the rod, then set the hook. Tautog put pressure on the rod and should be reeled in quickly to move him from the rocks.

Best Time to Catch Tautog

The most convenient time to fish is daylight, three hours before a high tide and three hours after. Tautog fishing season begins at the end of April and to the middle of June.

In addition, from the end of September to the end of October. You can catch Blackfish about 10 feet deep in shallow areas during spring and summer. But you will likely catch Tautog at the end of early Winter.

How Many Tautogs Can You Keep in Rhode Island?

The State of Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management has put possession limits of a 3-fish bag per person from April 1–May 31 and August 1–October 14. Also, from October 15 – December 31, they allow possession of a 5-fish bag limit per person; the fish must have a 16-inch minimum length. They also allow a maximum of 10 fish per vessel despite the number of anglers onboard.


Are Black Sea Bass and Tautog the Same?

No. The Tautog/Blackfish is brown, while the black sea bass is black. Physically, the sea bass is smaller than the Tautog. In addition, the sea bass is quicker and skidder than the Tautog.

What Fish Are in Season in Rhode Island?

You can catch the blue shark, Mahimahi, Mako, marlin, bonito, swordfish, Tautog, tuna, thresher, and wahoo from June, July to October. Bluefish, striped bass, and Cod are in season from May to November, and Sea Bass, false albacore, and Scup are from September to November. At the same time, during April and September, you can catch winter flounder.


Tautog is mainly found from cape cod west to the Long Island Sound and the south areas from New Jersey to the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and Virginia. To catch Tautog, you must master the best techniques and use the best fishing equipment. It is advisable to keep the fish you need and release the rest alive during your adventure fishing trips.

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